Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Politics Corner February 6


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Republicans really don't like when you give them what they want. They'd rather watch you do it in front of them. There's a word for that. Hm. Household? Cucksucker? [CNN]

via CNN

The Republicans in Congress are still taking their marching orders from Trump. Whether (although especially if) they are on the ballot this November, it's hard to find a Republican with a mind of their own. I'm sure that Susan Collins is "concerned" but we need a lot more than concern right now. [Associated Press]

via Washington Post

Ronna McDaniel (Romney) is stepping down from the RNC chair position after a particularly miserable time in charge. She can't stop Trump and there's no where else to turn. I expect Ivanka to replace her soon. [CNN]

via CBS

Political Discussion welcome.

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