Friday, February 2, 2024

Politics Corner February 2nd


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

There were two spaces that were not searched when the FBI executed its search warrant at Mar a Lago. One was a hidden room that was concealed behind a bureau. The existence of which raises questions on its own. The other was a closet under a stairway which should be familiar to many as a young Harry Potter's bedroom. The closet would not be all that suspicious except a padlock was placed on the door on the day of the search. [ABC]

via ABC

Nikki Haley steps in it: everybody's free to be South Carolina but nobody wants to be South Carolina. Not even Texas. [ABC]

via Wikipedia

Chicago is moving on up and this is something that we don't like to talk about but really needs to be in place across the country. Chicago is taking on the project of self-cleaning bathrooms that started in Paris and are now around the world. Pretty much all of us can understand that when you need to you need to. But for the homeless it's a whole other level. Impossible. Dehumanizing, Likely illegal. [Wonkette]

Props to the City of Broad Shoulders for getting this done.

via Wonkette

In Wisconsin we're seeing the flip side of what the GOP is attempting to do with Mayorkas and Biden. The House GOP is wasting their time and ours. Meanwhile, back in my state, Gov. Evers is suing the gerrymandered state legislature for not legislating. And the newly liberal Supremes are taking him up on it. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Political discussion welcome.

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