Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Politics Corner February 20


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos are children. This effectively ends in vitro fertilization. IVF generally involves the fertilization of numerous eggs which are implanted one by one until one takes. There will be multiple embryos left over and far more than any woman would want to bear. Eventually there comes the decision to destroy the embryos. That is now murder in Alabama. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Alito is upset that homophobes like himself are being called bigots and and being blocked from serving on juries that involve a queer defendant. [Slate]

via Slate

The US was the only country to veto a UN call for an immediate cease fire in Gaza. We claim it's about hostages but it's not a good look. 

via BBC

We're hitting Russia with more sanctions in response to Putin's murder of Alexei Navalny. We'll see if sanctions finally hit Putin's pocket and not that of the average Russian. [ABC]

via ABC

The US Supreme Court wouldn't touch a case where a Virginia high school managed to find a way to get a more diverse student body without counting race. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Political Discussion welcome.

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