Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Politics Corner February 13


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

We've got a lot on the docket tonight and we really need to clear all of this before VD day. I hope you remembered to buy something.

So, Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law is so extreme that schools are requiring permission slips from parents if they have a black guest speaker. I just can't even. [NBC]

via NBC

While we're there, Alexander the Great was "gay" or whatever that was at the time and Netflix didn't turn him gay. His wives were trophies, his only consistent love, well watch Netflix. Queer history has been erased forever. I won't claim that it would mean the same to him as it does to me, just like I really don't compare myself to Ptolemy or Caesar. The world has changed. But I doubt human nature has changed that much. Ptolemy was just a good friend of Alexander (unlike Hephaestion). Caesar was much later and there were many rumors about his sex life. And it has long been excused as his enemies trying to destroy him. On the other hand his rampant libido was well documented. Are we ever going to acknowledge that gay people have been around forever?

oh yeah, Sally Ride belongs here too
via Guardian

Trump is like a virgin on her wedding night. [CNN]

Putin is as wacko as Trump and Tucker is too stupid to figure it out. [Business Insider]

When China is calling you out for war crimes it's time to go back and rethink everything that brought you here. [Times of Israel]

via Times of Israel

Grain of salt and all because Newsweek is pretty much trash these days but they might be right here, The foreign aid bill had surprisingly strong support in the senate. If Democrats invoke a discharge petition to the aid bill to the house floor then Johnson won't shit his pants and keep his job until next week when they'll need to raise the debt ceiling. [Newsweek]

I wonder if Milwaukee still has the Bobblehead Museum - this should be in there
via Newsweek

White guy on the election commission in Wisconsin who bragged about depressing black and brown votes and voted to overturn the election in 2020 refuses to resign and claims he's "done more for black people than any white Republican." You're not supposed to damn yourself with faint praise.[Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Political Discussion welcome.

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