Monday, February 12, 2024

Politics Corner February 12


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Oh, it's almost here. Just buy something already. Just don't make it something that you want because that will be noticed.

I really wanted to focus on a, well, not exactly good, but at least a corrective story tonight. A year ago a Nicaraguan migrant worker was accused of killing his own son because the only one who spoke a little Spanish got the tense wrong. If it was my kid I'd probably be too despondent to care what those gringos did. But the Justice Department and the Dane County Sheriffs Department (that's where Madison is) are working to make sure that doesn't happen again. [ProPublica}

But I can't be happy about that because Trump and his Rumps are talking about raising a red state army to take on the blue states. That poor father who already had lost his son would be one of the first casualties. [Atlantic]

Political Discussion welcome.

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