Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Politics Corner January 24

photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Have you been raped? Are you pregnant? Better check your state laws. Odds are bad that abortion is not an option. Either it's straight up illegal or there are no functioning clinics - or worse you might have to recount the whole ordeal to police and maybe courts and now everyone knows what happened. [NPR]

via NPR

Alabama is so bloodthirsty that even though they cannot get the proper drugs for execution or even prove that they aren't torture, they're going to go ahead with an execution anyway. Only this time there will be no sedation, no numbing. They don't even know what's going to happen but they expect a death. Air is going to be replaced with pure nitrogen. We breathe nitrogen every day. Probably couldn't live without it. But oxygen is not an option. At the very least it will feel like suffocation. Oh yeah, the guy on death row says that he was there but didn't do it. [BBC]

via BBC

Tennessee has got it entirely backward. If you're a felon who has served your time and you want to exercise your right to vote, you must first be approved for a gun license. Either this is a way to keep one-time felons from ever voting again or the state wants guns in the wrong hands. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

The Supremes said that Texas must let the Border Patrol do it's job and to remove razor wire. Since the Supremes didn't specifically say that Texas couldn't put up the razor wire in the first place we're now in a race. [Business Insider]

via Business Insider

Trump's a sore winner. I don't blame him. He didn't really win. [NBC]

she didn't win either
via NBC

Political discussion welcome.

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