Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Politics Corner January 23rd


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

The ball is now in Hamas' court but Israel isn't exactly playing fair. Did anyone expect them to? I do like the ballsy "we'll let you leave Gaza if you release all the hostages." Israel is not going to stop hunting them down. We're still in the fantasy period of ending this war. They don't have to be in the same room with each other but they do need the same people going back and forth with offers and counteroffers. [Times of Israel]

via Times of Israel

Have you checked your watch lately? It's later than you think. [NBC]

via NBC

Sorry Trump, but you must shut up (Narrator: he won't) [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Guess who! [Boston Globe]

what the hell is he doing with his hands? does anything that he does ever make sense?
via Boston Globe

Political discussion welcome.

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