Sunday, January 21, 2024

Politics Corner January 21


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

We haven't paid much attention to Europe lately other than Ukraine. This will not do. Some of our strongest and most strategic allies are there. We definitely need to hold the coalition behind Ukraine but we've done a piss-poor job of getting other nations to unite behind Israel. I blame Netanyahu more than anyone for that. I can't imagine Israel having a worse leader right now.

But here's the thing. The US pretty much owns Israel lock, stock and barrel. Mostly we pretend that we don't and they pretend that we don't but we both know that Israel would collapse without US support. So why are we putting up with this?

Anyway, Europe is like other people. You worry about what they think about you. Do they see your flaws? Do they obsess over them? Of course not. They have their own lives to lead and they might even be worried about what we think of them. As if. [European Council on Foreign Relations]

Political discussion welcome.

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