Sunday, January 14, 2024

Politics Corner January 14th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Dammit. News keeps happening on weekends. It's not supposed to be that way. We've got fraud and lies and corruption. Let's start with one that hasn't gotten enough attention. Remember the National Rifle Association? The main reason that the US has more guns and more gun deaths than anywhere else in the world? Also the reason all the cartels in Mexico are armed and loaded but we don't like to think about that.

Anyway, the NRA isn't just lining congress critters pockets so that whenever there's a Columbine or Sandy Hook or Parkland or all of the others that we can't keep track of then all we get are tots and pears. The NRA has enough money that it's been laundering it to support Wayne LaPierre's Lifestyle of the Rich and Infamous. [ProPublica]

via ProPublica
Trump suffered perhaps the worst insult in a long time. Judge Engeron of the fraud case against him asked the prosecution to compare him to Bernie Madoff. The prosecution didn't begin to pretend that they were in the same league. Madoff was a big fish and Trump was small fry. This wasn't a matter of billions (which Trump can only dream of) but hundreds of millions. Yet fraud nonetheless. Trump's defense is still trying to argue innocence which is pointless since guilt was established before this even began. This is the penalty phase. If he had been as big as Madoff he'd be looking at billions in restitution instead of 300 some million. [Business Insider]

I find it striking that the dead Madoff looks more alive than Trump
via Business Insider

Ginni Thomas has more than one black friend. This is not a good thing. While Clarence has mostly kept his mouth shut and let his opinions do the talking, Lieutenant governor and presumptive GOP candidate for governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson has no such discretion.  He hits pretty much every box on your MAGAt bingo card right down to meeting with Ginni after January 6 to discuss what they could still do to overturn the election. There is another less insane candidate but when was the last time that worked in a GOP primary? Did I mention that he's also quoted Hitler and attacked school shooting survivors? And seems to have a Confederacy fetish? [Daily Beast]

via Daily Beast

That's enough for today. I'm going to go take a shower.

Political discussion welcome.

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