Friday, January 12, 2024

Politics Corner January 12


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Texas has all but declared war on the United States. We might have to remind Gov. Abbott how much of the US military is on Texas soil. And those aren't Texan soldiers but American ones. [Texas Tribune]

via Texas Tribune
The Oregon Supreme Court punted the 14th amendment to the US Supremes. [CBS]

via Statesman Journal

Meagan Wolfe can keep her job as administrator of elections in Wisconsin. Republicans have villainized her and attempted to remove her ever since she refused to overturn the 2020 election in Trump's favor. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Milwaukee caught a break when the gerrymandered Republican legislature gave us approval to raise sales tax (the legislature took it upon themselves to require their permission) so that we could finally stop closing fire stations and start reopening them. There's a catch. We'll get the money now but we'll have to spend more in the future. [Wisconsin Public Radio]

via Wisconsin Public Radio

Political discussion welcome.

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