Thursday, January 11, 2024

It's an Honor Just to Be Bringing You the Thursday Headlines


Courtesy Vanity Fair.

The 50 Greatest Awards Show Speeches of the Last 55 Years (Vulture)

Reading the tea leaves of the SAG and DGA nominations (Deadline)

Via Giphy.

So, is Max going to have anything left except And Just Like That ...? (Deadline)

Cautious approval of this casting. (Deadline)

Courtesy YouTube.

Am I bad for first thinking it was a photo of Madonna? (Page Six)

Courtesy YouTube.

I'll note that all the MAGA spam I get now is all anti-Nikki. A while ago, it was all anti-Ron. (Wonkette)

Courtesy Deviant Art.

Psychedelics are a-ok in Ypsilanti. (Mlive)

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