Thursday, December 7, 2023

Politics Corner December 7th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

There's about 200 names of people who may be called to testify in the Georgia case against Trump. They might not all be called (they won't but they've been put on notice) but they have to be named if they are going to be called. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

via Atlanta Journal-Constitution

I understand if you want to move on from Atlanta but we turn from maybe good news to bad news. The Georgia legislature was told to redraw their election maps to include one more black district.. They did. And they did that at the expense of another black district. Not just a lateral move but insulting as well. I don't hold any hope for the Georgia Supremes to smack them down and I dread seeing this case rise to the fed Supremes where it could become precedent. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

Via Atlanta Journal-Constitution

So far we've got two guys running for Santos seat. The Dem who held it before but was afraid of a non-existent red wave and stepped down and now a Republican who took part in January 6th and claimed that he didn't know that congress met there. The Dem sounds like a bad idea and the other guy should be in prison. [NBC]

via NBC

Some good bad news from Texas. A woman had the horrible misfortune of a dangerous and doomed pregnancy. She required an abortion. There was nothing nice about this. Except she found a sympathetic judge in Texas. [NPR]

via NPR

Just in case you missed the pointlessness of COP28, Saudi Arabia (who mostly funds the hosting UAE in return for UAE's banking and trade with the rest of the world) is claiming that it's not fossil fuels (that made them rich) but clean energy like solar and wind that are the problem. It would be a simple enough matter for the Saudis to turn there vast empty spaces into solar and wind farms. The problem with that is it would remove their political power. They pay Jordan not to produce oil. They ratchet their own production to maximize profit and power (we do the same in the US)..But it's a farce on its face to fight against clean energy in favor of more fossil fuels. [Rolling Stone]

via Rolling Stone

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