Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Politics Corner December 5

photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Good news everybody! Liz Cheney is considering a third party run for President. It's unlikely that she would take many votes from Biden (although she would take some) but if she makes a big enough dent in Trump's campaign - particularly in purple states - she'll fulfill her aim of blocking Trump from office. Make no mistake, I will never vote for a Cheney. But I encourage her run. God forbid she wins and we're stuck with another round of corporate welfare and degradation of the safety net at least we would still have a democracy. [Guardian]

via Guardian

Just in case you wonder why Cheney might put her name on the ballot. [Economist]

via Economist

House Speaker Johnson admits that he's blurring the faces of insurrectionists because he doesn't want them prosecuted. As a lawyer, he seems quite interested in fighting the law rather than upholding it. I was wondering why Milwaukee kept popping up in the Daily Beast story until they finally made the connection to Matt Trewhella and the Missionaries to the Preborn. They invaded Milwaukee during the summer of 1992. I happened to be unemployed at the time so I saw it as my duty to do clinic defense every day. It was often violent but not by our side. We were just holding the line, arm in arm. one of Johnson's main clients urged violence against gay people and anyone pro-abortion, that guy's kid was proudly at January 6 and his father-in-law is Matt Trewhella. Johnson wasn't daddy's lawyer when he was caught masturbating at a playground and confessed that it was the third time that week but he hasn't rejected him either. [NBC] [Daily Beast]

via Daily Beast

Tommy Tuberville has ended his hissy fit. Well, sort of. He still has a hold on four star generals. He's been complaining that we have the weakest military in generations and it hasn't occurred to him that if that's the case then he is the biggest reason why. The good news is that there aren't that many four star generals waiting and congress can take care of that without wasting too much time. [NPR]

via NPR

Today in well duh: White House says impeachment pursuit is illegitimate and will fail. I think that they are understating that. [NBC]

via The Hill

Temporary Speaker of the House Patrick McHenry is stepping down at the end of his term. He learned very quickly that his brand of "conservatism" doesn't cut it in the Trump environment. [NBC]

via NBC

Of course you don't want to hear more about the Zieglers but It truly is horrific and hypocritical. Two things that are far too common these days. Later, the victim told him she refused to meet with him. “Hell no not after what you did to me. Do you not understand I am terrified of you?” [Daily Beast]

via Daily Beast

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