Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Politics Corner November 28th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

I will always recommend travel as a way to understand the world. There's no better way to get a feel of foreign countries than to go there and talk with the people. Of course it doesn't help if you go somewhere like North Korea where you are not going to meet average people or the average people have so much propaganda behind them. But there is still room for surprise. Two countries that surprised me this trip were Brunei and Singapore. The people were friendly and proud of their countries. They weren't afraid. I wasn't really afraid although maybe I should have been. The laws on the books are pretty harsh as far as LGBTQetc. people are concerned. It can be pretty bad in some places in the US but the state won't execute me or sentence me to lashes (which could kill me). Here that's more of a private problem.

via Singapore Tourism Board

The cease fire in Gaza is holding for the moment. Prisoners are being exchanged. People are still dying. I want to believe in hope but the rhetoric from both minority governments is still despicable. With any luck cooler heads will prevail but I don't see many. [Associated Press]

via CNN

Hunter Biden just did an end run around House Republicans. The House GOP keeps selectively releasing "secret" "findings". Biden says he'll testify but only in public. [ABC]

via ABC

Political discussion welcome

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