Sunday, November 26, 2023

Politics Corner November 26


via Tenor/20th Century Fox

Tonight marks the end of Politics Corner vacation coverage.  Sous will be back tomorrow night to tell you all about his vacation and get you caught up on the latest in autocratic nonsense out of the Wisconsin State Legislature.

Hamilton, Ontario spent four years crafting a vacant home tax only to see it fail on a procedural vote mere weeks before it was to go into effect.  A last minute scheduling change caused two pro-tax councilors to miss the vote.  (CBC)

Alberta is set to take on the Federal Government over its net-zero strategy by invoking a provincial law they ginned up earlier this year that allows them to ignore federal laws.  Yes, its as stupid as it sounds. Despite some recent court court losses in the environmental space the courts have generally agreed that regulating emissions is within the Federal Governments purview; if they really thought what the government was doing was illegal they could just sue them directly in court.  Possibly the only thing stupider is the national advertising campaign trying to get people in other provinces on Alberta's side.  (CBC)

The recent conviction of an RCMP Officer for leaking secrets shows that it is possible to prosecute someone when showing a jury classified material may be difficult or impossible (CBC).

Migrant workers are fleeing Israel rather then put themselves at risk of further violence at the hands of Hamas.  The agriculture industry has been particularly hard-hit. (CNN)

And finally, I leave you with some hopeful news; the story of a multi-faith Shabbat in Montreal where the attendees hope for lasting peace in the Middle East. (CBC)

Political discussion welcome.

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