Monday, November 20, 2023

Politics Corner November 20




Judge Cannon is being a lot smarter about ratfucking the classified documents case this time around; not only is the trial not likely to start before the election, but her pre-trial scheduling is going to put all his other criminal trials in a holding pattern (Law and Chaos Podcast)

Renters are getting just as screwed by the housing affordability crisis as landlords abuse the eviction system to bring in new tenants at higher rental rates.  Even people making decent money can suddenly find themselves homeless. (Vancouver Sun)

One of the common ways Doug Ford (and his brother Rob before him) targets organizations he doesn't like is to claim they're wasteful with spending and then try to ram through cuts that only end up causing harm.  Doug Ford's latest target is Ontario Universities.  A tuition freeze has left many Universities posting deficits, and even a panel appointed by the Ontario Government lays most of the blame for the funding crisis on Government policy. (CBC)

Aside from the Greenbelt, the Ford Government is also being investigated to see if there was any criminal wrongdoing in a proposed renovation of the former Ontario Place theme park into a spa and waterpark.  One of the former architects recently spoke out about how he chose to leave the project due opposition to a plan for massive clear-cutting of trees to make way for the new development (Toronto Star, full article should be available in Apple News if you search for it) 

Political discussion welcome.

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