Monday, October 16, 2023

Sportsball October 16th


Basketballs, footballs and PUPPIES!

via Guardian

The Liberty forced a game four against the Aces and kept their chances alive in the WNBA finals. [Guardian]

via CBS

Former Ace Dearica Hamby is suing the Aces and the WNBA. She's got good reason. The Aces traded her to the Sparks because she is pregnant. [CBS]

You want polls? We've got polls! USC took the biggest tumble after an embarrassing loss to Notre Dame. In one of those quirks of the polls that I will never understand, ND has two losses and now ranks above USC with only one. [Associated Press]

via CBS

Speaking of upsets, the Browns took down the undefeated 49er's

Puppy Uppers

Discussion welcome.