Sunday, October 8, 2023

Politics Corner October 8th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

We've got a couple of wars going on right now and the US is knee deep (actually far deeper) in all of it. But tonight I'm going to look at an unnoticed side of the war at the home front. And by home front I mean Gideon and Salem.

If you had told me that the abortion fight could get any worse I wouldn't have believed you. From menstruation huts to abortion bans, once men figured out that wherever they dangled their dingle a baby might be coming along, it was a game changer. Women needed to be locked up and policed. That nonsense hasn't changed to this day. So if everything goes right it's the woman's job to take care of everything and if something goes wrong it's the woman's fault and she could be facing thirty years in prison. {ProPublica]

via ProPublica

Political discussion welcome

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