Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Politics Corner October 31

Courtesy Etsy

A lot of updates out of Israel today - the news has been coming in fast and I've updated this post several times with new links.  The big stories for the evening are the airstrike on the largest refugee camp in Gaza (CNN latest updates) and the release of five more hostages (Toronto Star Free Digital Access).

As Israel continues to reject calls for a ceasefire, a look back on Netanyahu's policy of openly letting foreign cash flow to Hamas in order to justify not holding peace talks. (CBC)

The US finally has an ambassador to Israel (CNN)

FOX News may have settled their defamation lawsuit with Dominion, but they are still trying to weasel out of a similar lawsuit from Smartmatic.  Perhaps knowing the writing is on the wall, FOX's lawyers have decided the best option is to promote antisemitic conspiracy theories through court filings as raw meat for the base (CNN)

Here in Canada, there is an uproar over the federal government announcing that heating oil will be exempt from the national Carbon Tax for three years.  Saskatchewan, which as of late is giving even the reddest US state a run for their money, Is threatening to stop collecting the carbon tax on all heating fuels in protest. (CBC)

There's no question that Trudeau did this to shore up support for MPs in Atlantic Canada, where heating oil makes up the bulk of heating fuel and the Liberals currently hold 3/4 of the ridings.  A more nuanced look shows that, overall, heating oil makes up a tiny fraction of energy usage in Canada and removing the Carbon Tax isn't going to realize any big savings given its cost and low energy content. (CBC)  

Heating oil usage in the United States, courtesy Wikipedia

Political discussion welcome.

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