Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Politics Corner October 17


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

This link originally went to an update about Biden going to Israel which is both important and dangerous. The last I checked now it's all about a Gaza hospital that's been blown up with at least 500 dead. I have no idea what horrifying thing comes next. The only thing that's pretty much guaranteed is that it will be worse than the last thing that I heard. [CNN]

via CNN

It didn't happen today. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. But it's instructive to remember the background of the guy that Republicans wanted to put second in line for the Presidency. [ABC

via ABC

India's Supreme Court did not go so far as recognizing same sex marriage. What it did say is that is a a matter for the legislature and that same sex couples should be treated equally. This is an enormous step in a country currently ruled by a fanatic Hindu party and solid minorities of fundamentalist Muslims and Christians.[NPR]

via NPR

Of course Trump is fighting another gag order . All he knows how to do is yell and delay justice. [CNN}

via CNN

Get used to hearing about ATACMS. The US has supplied them to Ukraine and they might tip the balance. While we're all looking at Israel and Gaza, Ukraine might be heating up. [ABC]

via ABC

The US Supreme Court slapped the 5th Circuit Court down again. This time it's about ghost guns. The 5th circuit was perfectly fine  with people selling easily assembled gun kits by mail, no serial numbers, no background checks. No dissents were noted. [NPR]

via NPR

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