Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Politics Corner September 6th


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

It has begun. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington have filed suit in Colorado to keep Trump off of the ballot, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, on behalf of several Colorado voters. A few other suits have been filed elsewhere but this is the highest profile case so far. Trump would be unlikely to win the general election in Colorado but if enough states keep him off of the primary ballot or out of caucuses he would no longer be the presumptuous candidate. [ABC]

Trump was told by his own people well ahead of time that he must turn over the stolen documents and that if he didn't then the FBI would raid Mar a Lago. No excuses. [ABC]

via ABC

Up in New York it's more bad news for Trump. The judge in the fraud case declined Trump's bid for a delay of the court date which is set for October 2nd. [CNBC]

via CNBC

The Fulton County judge is sending mixed messages. He's skeptical that it's possible to try all 19 defendants at once (which would seem the point of a RICO charge). Yet he refused to move the October 23rd trial date for Powell and Cheesebro. Powell requested a speedy trial while Cheesebro wants to delay and they both asked for their cases to be separated. Nope. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

via Atlanta Journal-Constitution

More bad news for Trump, good news for us. The Biden Administration is canceling most of the Trump proposed oil drilling in the Alaskan wilderness. [CNN]

via CNN

Political discussion welcome.

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