Monday, September 25, 2023

Politics Corner September 25th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

We've got lots of Constitutional issues today. Let's start with Sen. Menendez and why he's so confident that he can get away with such blatant and open corruption and what basically amounts to treason with Egypt. So why does he think he can walk free and sit in the Senate? The US Supreme Court told him that he could. [Guardian]

via Guardian

Move along, move along, we're not done yet. We're at the 1st amendment now. At some point in social studies or civics class or whatever your school called it, you must have learned that in the US everyone has free speech but there are limits. The most common example? You are not allowed to yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater unless there is actually a fire. Trump is attempting to use the first amendment as a shield in his insurrection charges. He didn't insurrect. He just told everyone else to. That's yelling fire in a crowded theater. [Associated Press]

via Ars Technica

Let's move on up to the 2nd Amendment. Donald Trump who doesn't know how to drive a car thought that he should have a gun. He has 24/7 year round Secret Service protecting him. He doesn't need a gun for security. Does he just want to kill someone? I don't know who told him no and got him to listen although I doubt it was the sales person. The 2nd amendment preserves the right to keep and bear arms but only for a well regulated militia. That 2nd clause has been weakened until it almost doesn't matter anymore. But it's still against federal law for someone indicted for a felony, or in Trump's case 91 felonies, to purchase a gun. [CNBC]

via Daily Beast

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