Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Politics Corner September 20th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Remember when the US Supreme Court told Alabama for the second time that they needed to redraw their maps to add a second black majority district? You should. It was only a couple months ago. Alabama is still defying the Supreme Court because in Alabama white power is more important than justice. And this hinges on Justice Beer. [Vox]

via Giphy

“Our job is not to take orders from the president, from Congress, or from anyone else, about who or what to criminally investigate,” the attorney general said. “I am not the president’s lawyer. I will also add that I am not Congress’ prosecutor. The Justice Department works for the American people.” [Associated Press]

via Washington Post

There was a surprise deal to approve top military appointments. All appointments have been put on hold by Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville for reasons. This means that every single soldier stays exactly where they are until Tuberville ends his tantrum or the Senate changes its rules. Tuberville is correct that congress can get around his hold by bringing individual appointments to the floor, one at a time. The Democrats have refused to do this for the very good reason that if they pursued that 24/7 year round it would still take years just to catch up. [Military Times]

via Military Times

In yet another example of screwed up capitalism, it is likely to your advantage that the Republicans are too inept to keep the government running. Inflation is lowering and the Federal Reserve Board is unlike to raise the prime interest rate yet again until at least November. If the government is shut down more than a month it would probably lower inflation further but the Fed wouldn't have the data necessary to justify raising rates. Of course all of this is even more to the advantage of your boss as we drift away from that employee based economy that we enjoyed all too briefly. [CNBC]

via CNBC

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