Saturday, September 16, 2023

Politics Corner September 16th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Texas Republicans had the guts to put their lying, stealing all around asshole up for impeachment last May. Then they delayed it until now hoping that no one would notice. And only two Republicans had the nerve to vote to impeach. [Texas Tribune]

via Texas Tribune

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders can go wherever the hell she please, whoever she wants, cost the state of Arkansas any amount of money she pleases and you'll never know. Freedom of Information is dead in Arkansas. [Daily Beast]

via Daily Beast

Who is Samuel Lazar? Good question. He was locked up for taking part in the Insurrection. We know that he was in prison and has been released. But there are no court records. None. We don't even know for sure that there was a trial. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Political discussion welcome

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