Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Politics Corner September 13th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Don't think that the push for impeachment of President Biden is all political theater? While we watched the House case against Hunter Biden fall apart today we learned that Trump talked to GOP leaders pushing for impeachment. Both as payback and tarring Biden by association. The big difference is that we know that Trump is a criminal and so far they've proven nothing on Joe or Hunter. [CNN]

via CNN

The cops are continuing a disgusting tradition of taking photos with infamous criminals. Soldiers would do the same with dead enemies. In Milwaukee it was appalling to find out that police and jail officials would pose with Jeffrey Dahmer and get his autograph. Sometimes this is bloodlust. Sometimes it is misguided celebrity worship. This time is seems to be just pride at putting someone down. It's always wrong. [Associated Press]

Of course I'm not showing any of those pictures. Here's a puppy instead.
via Today

Mark Meadows' mommy told him he was a very special boy and he still believes it. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

via Atlanta Journal-Constitution

It's time again. Get your shots! COVID, flu and RSV are all available. [CNN]

via CNN

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