Saturday, August 26, 2023

Politics Corner August 26th


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

Wonder why billionaires have been spending so much on Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito? It's going to be very obvious next June when the US Supreme Court hears US vs. Moore. To be fair, Thomas and Alito would have always sucked up to the billionaires at the expense of us peasants. It's the blatant patronage that brings the outrage.

I'm also sitting in Wisconsin where Republicans are demanding that a fairly elected judge recuse herself from cases where she is likely to decide exactly the way that she told Wisconsin voters that she would. And they are threatening her with impeachment on that basis. I look at the US Supreme Court and see that Thomas and Alito have a far more overriding conflict of interest and they will never recuse. It's not like their recusal would even change anything. There would still be a 4-3 conservative majority and their might be a liberal justice who likes billionaires too. This is a lay-up, Moore is going to win. But Thomas and Alito having any say in this is a big fuck you to democracy. [Guardian]

via Twitter

It's no surprise that Ohio wants in on the game of undermining voter intentions. The Secretary of State took it upon himself to rewrite the language of a referendum. It had previously been approved with straight forward language and is now set to be on the ballot as anti-abortion propaganda. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

I'm sorry but I have to put on my Chandler hat right now. Could he look any gayer? The phone call is coming from inside the closet. This guy wants to burn everything down. Not to fix anything. Just to dance in the ashes. In particular he wants the state of Oklahoma to take over the Tulsa school system. Guess where all the kids of color are? I bet he's a Tulsa Race Massacre denier too. Because those kids really need to learn about that because they are still surrounded by the same threat. [NBC]

via NBC

Political discussion welcome.

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