Friday, August 25, 2023

Politics Corner August 25th

photo mine (from Bulgaria)

Does it matter what Trump weighs or how tall he is? Of course not. Does it matter that he routinely lies about it? Yes. Does it matter that he cudgels others about their weight or height? Yep. There's no way that he is as tall as he claims or as thin. [New York]

via New York

The cheese no longer stands alone. The Kraken wants to be released in a speedy manner. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

via Atlanta Journal-Constitution

My last girlfriend lived in Griffith, just south of Hammond, Indiana. I used to walk the railroad tracks in question. I also walked them a little further southeast in Valparaiso. My first boyfriend moved from the center of town to a house be the tracks. They coincided. They were happy as could be. I was a mess.

I would take the commuter train into Chicago but those weren't as long as the freight trains and they had a schedule to keep. The other train line that ran through northern Indiana crossed right through downtown Michigan City. The train station was in the middle of the street. Derailments were common. Hammond has it better. [ProPublica}

via ProPublica

I'm not about to defend Oliver Anthony or "Rich Men North of Richmond" but I am amused that Anthony is pushing back at Republicans claiming his song for themselves and saying that the song was about all those idiots on the debate stage. [Guardian]

via Guardian

Political discussion welcome.

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