Monday, August 21, 2023

Politics Corner August 21st


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

Self-described patriots are holding the government hostage again. [NBC]

via NBC

United States vs. Moore will be coming up to the US Supreme Court soon. This case will decide whether or not a wealth tax is possible or if billionaires can continue to hide their wealth in investments as long as they don't cash out. Why is this important? This will have a direct effect on all of those billionaires that have been treating Justice Thomas (and at least to some extent Justice Alito). Neither have been known for recusals - Thomas infamously did not recuse on a trial affecting his wife. The late Justice Scalia might agree that Thomas should recuse himself. In Scalia's excuse for not recusing during a case involving his friend Dick Cheney he laid down a standard that he did not believe that he'd crossed: "friendship is a ground for recusal of a Justice where the personal fortune or the personal freedom of the friend is at issue." Thomas (and likely Alito) don't have that excuse. I don't expect either to recuse and I expect billionaire friends to remain untaxed. [Slate]

The prison system keeps getting more dangerous as the Proud Boys are being rounded up and sent down. [Associated Press]

check out the White Claw on that poser
via Associated Press

Trump's contributors will have to come up with $200,000. What? You thought that he would dig into his own pocket? And since when is treason only worth $200.000? [CNBC]

Trump thinks that he can push one of his trials all the way back to April of 2026 when he will most likely to be dead and looking at a different kind of Judgment Day. [CNN]

Political discussion welcome.

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