Thursday, August 10, 2023

Politics Corner August 10th


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

Of course there is no depth to the corruption of Clarence Thomas. We found out more. A lot more. [ProPublica]

via ProPublica

The US Supreme Court has canceled the Purdue Pharmacy settlement after the Sackler family removed billions of dollars, left the company bankrupt and have an incredible get of jail free card in the settlement. The court will now decide the case. Is this good news or bad news? Because whatever they decide will be precedent. I'm waiting to find out what Thomas got from the Sacklers. [CNN]

via CNN

Nazi cosplayer Stephen Milller is suing Kellogg's because it is "woke" by observing equality in the workplace. It doesn't seem to be part of the suit but he's taking this opportunity to whine Kellog's sexualizing their products by putting RuPaul on the box of Cheez-Its. I worry about the court decisions that will come out of this like the insane out of Texas against Southwest Airlines. But I really enjoy the idea of pissing off corporate donors. [Reuters]

via Reuters

Don't forget the 2024 Presidential election is still scheduled to be stolen. Wisconsin is already a battleground and so are many other states. Again, it's nice to watch them eat their own but the victims stick the the Leopard Won't Eat My Face party. [ProPublica]

via  Propublica

YIMBYs (Yes in my backyard) are trying to change the zoning to include a wider range households. They want more multi-unit and less single family homes that are driving the younger and poorer people out. They've sort of won in Arlington and may be coming to a town near you. [DCist]

via DCist

Judge Chutkin really wants Trump and his lawyers to shut up. She particularly wants witnesses protected and evidence preserved. That could very well by impossible. Of course none of this would be necessary if we invoked Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. The language is clear and even conservatives are beginning to call it obvious. [NBC]

via NBC

Political discussion welcome.

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