Sunday, July 2, 2023

Politics Corner July 2nd


photo mine

I'm still mad at (the six reactionary justices on) the US Supreme Court. Today I'm still furious that they picked up a case with no standing that had been dismissed at every step along the way because there was no standing but the six reactionaries on the court wanted to establish ("Christian") religion which is a violation of the first amendment but since they are the arbiters of constitutionality apparently they can just burn the constitution down whenever they want to make LGBTQetc. people subhuman.

Tomorrow I'll probably be furious about Affirmative Action. Sometimes it's difficult to remember why I'm patriotic on the 4th. I could be in Poland or Russia or Uganda. I'm spoiled. even though they are chipping away at my rights I can still walk the streets. Now if I was transgender it would be another story. And this kind of shit is going to cause more transgender suicides and more transgender murders all because a "Christian" woman and her "Christian" lawyers decided to make shit up and weren't caught until the day before the decision was released. I wonder if it is possible to appeal a Supreme Court decision to the Supreme Court? I have standing. This is a violation of my rights. [Vox]

don't you love how this asshole's scarf looks like an inverted kaffiyeh?
he might as well be a "justice" in Iran
via Vox

Political discussion welcome.

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