Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Politics Corner July 18th


photo mine

Many many years ago in a Galaxina far far away I saw Nina Hagen play Shank Hall (yes, the one from Spinal Tap) and it was right after Kurt Cobain blew his head off. She did a terrifying version of "Rape Me" and then later in the show "a country and western song for Kurt". I don't remember any of the lyrics except the chorus which was "Everywhere I go all I hear is Kurt! Kurt! Kurt!" I know how she felt. (Trump! Trump! Trump!)

False Electors are being held accountable in Michigan. It doesn't seem like they'll be charged with the treason that they did commit but it's a start. [Detroit Free Press]

Trump is anticipating another indictment and arrest. Why is this newsworthy? It means he's got his greedy hands out again. Donate to me to make the Libs cry! He's probably correct about the indictment and certainly correct about the donations. [Associated Press]

The Georgia Supreme Court slapped Trump and his lawyers down. The grand jury will go ahead as planned. Justice just might be served. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

Yeah, she's as corrupt as can be. Why else do you think Trump appointed her? [CNN]

Political discussion welcome.

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