Friday, July 14, 2023

Politics Corner July 14th


photo mine

Do they celebrate Bastille Day in Canada? Maybe in Quebec. But I should be in Ontario in, uh, London. I don't expect fireworks. Many, many, many years ago when I was a young lad, I flew to France for a home stay. I flew over Canada on July 1st. I had a window seat and watched all the fireworks bloom below me. I missed July 4th fireworks that year but a couple weeks later I was in southern France and watched the quatorze juillet explosions set off from an ancient bridge over the Rhone River. The Rhone is very wide there. This was a pedestrian/bike bridge. I rode across it every day. The supports were old stone. The roadway was wooden planks. There were huge holes burned out of the bridge after the fireworks. That was probably more exciting than watching the display in the sky and reflected in the river.


Political discussion welcome.

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