Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Politics Corner July 12th


photo mine

The Clarence Thomas story gets even worse and there's no end in sight. Now we know that a Thomas aide accepted money from lawyers who argued cases in front of the Court earmarked for a Thomas "Christmas Party". We don't know if the party ever happened but that doesn't matter. The money was exchanged. [Guardian]

Northwestern had anti-hazing policies in effect. They didn't work. There's a lot of work to be done and changing the coach is not enough. [Chicago Tribune]

via Chicago Tribune

WI Gov. Tony Evers had even more good news out of his partial vetoes. It's maybe not as big as increased funding for public schools for 400 years but it is huge. Once the GOP took over the legislature they've transformed the Department of Natural Resources from a department whose main goal was stewardship of Wisconsin's extraordinary resources into a lapdog for mining corporations and hunters. Evers creativity released unspent earmarks for preservation. [Wisconsin Public Radio]

via Wisconsin Public Radio

I haven't forgotten you, Patrick Ausgewalt. We've got maps! Unfortunately it's bad news. Iowa passed a six-week abortion ban which is the equivalent of a complete abortion ban. Most women don't know and those that do have very little time to make what might be one of the most difficult decisions of her life. Like Patrick said earlier today, it will likely be blocked by the Polk County judge. The problem is that COVID Kim will push this all the way to the Supremes and look what they've been up to. And I'm sorry that the Des Moines Register has been swallowed up by Gannett. I'm amused by their color scheme though. Not only are the Dems red but the opposition is green? Are they aware that a large chunk of their male readers are red/green color blind? [Des Moines Register]

via Des Moines Register

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