Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Politics Corner July 11th


photo mine

There is no bottom in Bottom's dream. One ring to rule them all! [Business Insider] [Fort Worth Star-Telegram]

via Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Justice doesn't look any more secure below that. Trump's lawyers filed a hail Mary to hold one of Trump's trials until after the next Presidential election. Any other judge would have scolded them for the outrageous request. But the judge in this case is a Trump toy. She's already been shamed for being a Trump fangirl in a previous case. [NPR]

via NPR

Meanwhile, the orange devil did go down to Georgia and a grand jury has been seated. [CNN]

via CNN

The Justice Department has finally dropped the ridiculous argument that Trump was acting as President when he defamed E. Jean Carroll. Maybe Jane Doe will finally feel safe enough to come forward. [CNBC]

via CNBC

Political discussion welcome.

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