Monday, July 10, 2023

Politic Corner July 10th


photo mine

Sweden is almost in NATO, Erdogan embarrassed himself this morning and made up for it later by committing to Sweden's membership. All that stands in the way now is Hungary's Orban and Hungary was standing with Turkey and has made it clear that they wouldn't be the last one standing in the way. [BBC]

via BBC

If you thought the last session of the US Supreme Court was bad, just wait! There's more! Next session is already shaping up to be worse. [Vox]

via Vox

John F. Kelly, who served as former President Donald J. Trump’s second White House chief of staff, said in a sworn statement that Mr. Trump had discussed having the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies investigate two F.B.I. officials involved in the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia. Mr. Kelly said that his recollection of Mr. Trump’s comments to him was based on notes that he had taken at the time in 2018. Mr. Kelly provided copies of his notes to lawyers for one of the F.B.I. officials, who made the sworn statement public in a court filing. [New York Times via MSNBC]


Speaking of Marine Generals, the top Marine General is about to retire and Sen. Tommy Tuberville is still holding every military promotion. Worse? All four Chiefs of Staff are expected to retire within the next year. It's not as if we won't have a military but it's very destabilizing for an organization based on hierarchy. This is not Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, this is one dumbass deciding he's more important than his country. [CNN]

via CNN

Political discussion welcome.

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