Monday, July 10, 2023

Jeopardy! recap for Mon., Jul. 10

 Here are today's contestants:

- James, a senior editor, is in his 17th year of cancer remission;

- Dileri, a pottery teacher, whose son is knowledgeable about flags; and

- Alex, a medical student, is looking forward to a residency in the field of ENT. Alex is a two-day champ with winnings of $41,500.



DD1 - $400 - MOMENTOUS DATES - On January 3, 1521 the Catholic Church excommunicated this man (James won $1,000 on a true DD.)

Scores at first break: Alex $5,200, Dileri $0, James $2,400.

Scores going into DJ: Alex $8,200, Dileri $1,600, James $3,200.

Double Jeopardy! 


DD2 - $1,600 - QUOTABLE BOOKS - In 1958's "The Dharma Bums", he wrote, "It was all completely serious, all completely hallucinated, all completely happy" (James moved into second by adding $3,000 to his score of $7,600 vs. $13,800 for Alex.)

DD3 - $1,200 - STITCH INCOMING - Joba Chamberlain used the scar from the elbow surgery named for this fellow pitcher as part of a smiley face tattoo (Alex dropped from first to third by losing $12,000 from his score of $15,000.)

Alex looked to be in comfortable shape after round one, but then both opponents began to rally, and Alex made a huge misstep on DD3. As a result, it was James with the lead into FJ at $14,200 vs. $10,400 for Dileri and $3,000 for Alex.

Final Jeopardy!

ART HISTORY - At the 1865 Paris art salon, the elder of these 2 men said if the younger were successful, it would be “because his name sounds like mine”

Only Alex was correct on FJ, as both James and Dileri didn't correctly interpret what the clue was looking for. Dileri made a big bet of $10,000, so James held on, dropping $6,000 to win with $8,200.

Final scores: Alex $5,500, Dileri $400, James $8,200.

Odds and Ends

FJ wagering strategy: Normally, the best play for Dileri would have been to make a small wager to shut out Alex and hope to win if James missed, and that strategy would have worked here. However, as it played out, James didn't bet quite enough to cover double of Dileri's score, so if both Dileri and James had been correct on FJ, her big bet would have won the game.

Ken's Korner: By saying "Well done, doctor" after a correct response by Alex in STITCH INCOMING, then before his DD3 wager saying "How confident are you in a medical category", Ken certainly did everything he could to influence Alex to make a big bet. Since Alex was the only player correct on FJ, a typical mid-sized wager on DD3 would have almost surely resulted in a win.

Judging the producers: The WORD PUZZLES category suffered from the same problem we've seen in those about anagrams - when a player rings in, they take the clue off the screen, so the home audience can't study the puzzle and play along.

Correct Qs: DD1 - Who was Martin Luther? DD2 - Who was Kerouac? DD3 - Who is Tommy John? FJ - Who were Manet and Monet? (Dileri and James gave one of the names but not both.)

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