Thursday, June 29, 2023

Politics Corner June 29th


photo mine

Welcome back to the 1800's! First Dobbs and now the racists are telling us that racism doesn't exist. No worries, they still have decisions this session that will take rights away from LGBTQetc. people and reinvent the poor house for students. [Economist]

via Atlantic

We support the politicians that support our business.

That's Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth (whatever happened to their German heritage?) attempting to stop the losses while saying nothing. Or at least that's the mainstream interpretation. It's not going to stop the bigots. They're unreachable. Bud has courted the lowest common denominator for years and now they feel betrayed - over something that had nothing to do with them. But the LGBTQetc. community that mostly didn't care or even know about the trans person stuck in the middle of this, we know that Anheuser-Busch is willing to throw us to the wolves like a good German. There's that German heritage. [Yahoo!]

via Yahoo!

Republicans will do anything to steal Wisconsin. Now that the US Supreme Court reserved the final recourse on elections to the courts, the case to undo the gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Republicans won't wait for that. They tried to force a surprise, late night, vote in an attempt to fire the highest election employee. It is a non-partisan position. She's drawn nationwide praise for doing her job properly and completely despite outrageous demands. She's been under fire from Republicans ever since she correctly certified Biden's win. Trump himself has called her out. How gerrymandered are we? The state of Wisconsin is fairly evenly divided and routinely votes more Democrat than Republican. Our Senate should be divided a vote or three. We have 22R-11D. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Americans for Prosperity Action (Koch's PAC) usually waits for the general election to dump dark money all over Democrats is expanding its game this cycle. They really, really don't want Trump to win the nomination and are willing to dump a lot of money on this. I'm all in on this. Let them waste a lot of money, I don't think they'll stop Trump. I think the only one who can stop Trump is Trump. And then any Democrat. And that's money they won't have left to try and tar Biden or my Senator Tammy Baldwin. [Reuters]]

via Gfycat

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