Monday, May 8, 2023

Politics Corner May 8th


Baby steps, people. At the very last minute, a bill to raise the gun purchase age from 18 to 21 passed out of the Texas House Community Safety Committee. and will now go to the Calendar Committee and hopefully the House floor. No worries. There will be another mass shooting before the Calendar meeting or any possible House vote. Perhaps that will sway enough votes. [ABC]

via ABC

The debt ceiling must be raised. That is not in question. If we don't raise the debt ceiling then the US stops paying the bills for actions that we've already taken. The US economy will cave and so will the rest of the world's. The debt ceiling has nothing to do with future spending or future debt. We are reaching a crisis point because the Republican House is holding us hostage.. [NPR]

via NPR

Someone finally told Trump to shut up. Okay, so it's only on social media, only about the hush money case and only about certain evidence. Now, as with any toddler who has been told no, we're just waiting for the tantrum.

via Tenor

WHO has downgraded the COVID pandemic. COVID isn't listening. [Associated Press]

via Tenor

Political discussion welcome

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