Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Politics Corner May 3rd


photo mine

WHAR PATRICK AUSGEWALT! It's no surprise that students know less about history, civics and a bunch of other courses.  Republicans have been at war with public schools for a long time. Ignorant people are more likely to vote Republican or not vote at all. [NPR]

via VectorStock

We already knew that Trump himself would not testify but they had planned to bring an "expert in psychiatry" whatever that means. Now they're claiming "health issues" so no witnesses at all for the defense. Either they are stanching the bleeding or they believe that they've got at least one juror on their side. [USA Today]

Trump's no good very bad week continued in yet another court when his suit against the New York Times got tossed out. It's like that his suit against his niece Mary will be tossed out as well since they were attached and had the same substance (as far as any Trump suit is substantial) Oh, he's also been ordered to pay legal fees. [Daily Beast]

via Stockfresh

The state of New York is the first to ban natural gas in new buildings. I expect this to spread to other states that don't produce natural gas and those other states are going to be angry. With two firemen in my family I'm too aware of the fire danger and also we build most of our homes out of wood which isn't too common in the rest of the world because wooden homes burn. I also sympathize with all those (like myself) that prefer gas cooktops. I haven't a clue what new restaurants are going to do. [CNN]

via CNN

Oh yeah, the Federal Reserve Board raised the prime interest rate yet again even though every time that they do it makes things worse. And yet again they are claiming that this is the last time and that they're going to stop squeezing us. As Terry Pratchett used to say, pull the other one, it's got bells on. [CNBC]

via FreeSVG

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