Monday, May 15, 2023

Politics Corner May 15th


photo mine

You know why the left keeps bringing up Nazis? Because the right keeps on employing Nazis. Paul Gosar isn't the only one. Just the latest one that we know about. The worst part? It's not even remotely surprising. [Talking Points Memo]

via Talking Points Memo

The Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) has been involved in some shady things before. They no longer officially approve of polygamy (it still happens) and they now believe that black people can belong to the church (although I can't imagine why they'd want to), they seem to have backed off somewhat on their subversive and overt attacks on LGBTQetc. people after they spent a fortune in California and were slapped down (though gay kids are still kicked out of familys and wind up as rent boys in Las Vegas). But now they seem to be following the Scientology model. They're taking in money to the tune of $100 billion that is supposed to be directed to charity. Instead it's being funneled to investments to make even more money. The Vatican was unavailable for comment. [Guardian]
one of their temples in my partner's home town, Tampico, Mexico
via The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

This has all happened before and this will all happen again. [CNN]

The Special Counsel that Trump appointed to investigate whether or not the Trump-Russia connection should have been investigated has decided that Trump should not have been investigated. There were no convictions and one guilty plea for lying because of course. This cost us millions. [NBC]

via NBC

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