Courtesy Daily Mail.
They're just going to continue undermining America unless completely stopped. (Wonkette)
Another example of the kill one bug, three more emerge idea. (Wonkette)
Courtesy GalaxyCon.
"Who Killed the Category Killer?" (The Bulwark)
Cheno & Alan Talk! (Playbill)
Courtesy Getty Images.
The question we wouldn't mind getting an answer to, from someone who'd know. (Page Six)
Does anyone still wear a hat? (Page Six)
Courtesy Alamy.
"Save the liver!" (Mlive)
It's gotten so expensive in Ann Arbor. (Mlive)
Courtesy The Disney Classics.
The favorites for next year's NFL Draft. (Yahoo Sports.)
PET SET: Bess & Lynnae
Courtesy The Dodo/YouTube.