Sunday, May 28, 2023

Cancellation League Update!


Courtesy Amadeus3000.

Here we go, folks! The grand finale. One last check of my notoriously bad math. One of these years, I will go the spreadsheet route, but there is some fun in my trying to tabulate by hand.

Amadeus3000 -- 12,575 points
Sillstaw -- 10,680 points
Stegrelo -- 10,680 points
Jay S. -- 10,315 points
brewfan_version_2022 -- 9,530 points
rain+ -- 9,290 points
Horsey Mike -- 9,030 points
Evil Lincoln -- 9,025 points
Catch Nats Fever in 2022 -- 8,935 points
Fancyarcher -- 8,900 points
Me -- 8,570 points
gfan249 -- 8,375 points
Havalina -- 8,370 points
The Eagle Hand Laundry Company -- 8,220 points
muggle -- 8,120 points
Michael Weyer -- 8,080 points
Lord Dudley -- 7,850 points
Patrick Ausgewahlt -- 7,845 points

Tentative return date: Sunday, Aug. 27.

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