Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Politics Corner April 5th


photo mine

Wisconsin flipped the State Supreme Court from red to blue by a wide margin yesterday while the Republicans kept a veto proof majority in the senate by about a thousand votes. The guy who barely won a purple district wants to impeach Judge Janet for the exact issues that they ran on. But Wisconsin wasn't the only big story. Chicago elected the more liberal of the two centrists still in the race for Mayor. Meanwhile in North Carolina a Representative changed party affiliation from Dem to GOP, the Republicans already held a veto proof majority in the senate and this gives the same in the Senate. Tricia Colman wore a blood red fuck you dress for the announcement.  [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Elon Musk is a big baby, today's version. Twitter is now treating NPR as a state run medium. NPR gets less than 1% of its budget and it is editorially independent. [NPR]

via NPR

Of course Trump threw a temper tantrum last night. The judge warned him not to incite violence. We'll see what happens from here. [Independent]

via Dribble

Political discussion welcome.

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