Monday, April 17, 2023

Politics Corner April 17th


photo mine

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington have filed both civil and criminal complaints to both the Justice Department and Chief Justice Roberts in regards to all the gifts he received and didn't report and so many other violations. Particularly real estate income through a company that no longer exists. [CREW]

via CREW

Dominion v. Fox News is a day behind. There are rumors of a settlement. Settlements only happen when both want a deal. Fox hammered on Dominion for months when they knew that none of what they said was true. This is going to trial and Dominion is going to win. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Jim Jordan and company are going nuts over the prosecution of Donald Trump. Of course Gym Jordan has a history of having issues with prosecuting people for crimes that he knew happened. [CNN]

via Washington Post

McCarthy claims to have a debt limit bill ready to go. No details but it won't pass without Democrat support. He can talk all the smack that he likes about Biden but Biden's ideas will pass the House and sail through the Senate (as long as Dianne Feinstein returns or retires). [NBC]

via CNBC

Political discussion welcome

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