Thursday, March 2, 2023

Welcome to the Junkle and Other Thursday Headlines


For a switch, we start with a non-movie asshole.

I know a guy who went to CPAC (and made sure he didn't get to tell me about it). (Wonkette)

"And then things started to get surreal." (Wonkette)

Courtesy Movie Assholes/Tumblr. Today marks A Farewell to Assholes.

Splish splash, I was on the can, long about a Saturday night ... (Mlive)

Michael Douglas revisits Falling Down. (A.V. Club)

Courtesy Movie Assholes.

Goodbye, O.J. Simpson's house (no, not that one, it was demolished back in '98). (New York Post)

And the Bieber tour. (Page Six)

Courtesy Movie Assholes.

You have to wonder how many people were using that as their personal archives. (Awful Announcing)

PET SET: Glitch
Courtesy The Dodo.

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