Monday, February 20, 2023

Politics Corner February 20th


Via Visit Milwaukee 

Politics Corner has dropping hints for a while but I think you deserve more (not all) of the whole story.

photo mine

 As many of you know, I had been drinking again. It's an intolerable situation. But also one that I've been in before. I knew what actions to take. I went on a Vivitrol treatment. Vivitrol is a drug that blocks the receptors for opioids and alcohol which makes it impossible to get drunk or high on opioids. What it can't do is stop the addiction itself. So I've been combining that with a combination of gradual reduction. Everything was going fine until just before the very expensive bucket list vacation. I recognized delirium tremens immediately. So after consultation with my doctors I've been on a maintenance plan - and if that plan goes according to plan I will be back in the hospital today. I'm undergoing a monitored benzoid treatment (not sure which one yet) that should remove alcohol altogether while hopefully not kill me. I'm really hoping to not get tossed into detox because I've been there and payed attention the first time. What I need is the medical attention, not the social talk that I've already been through. I have no plans of going into rehab (because, ditto, payed attention the first time) but that could be a possibility down the road.

If I get stuck in detox or rehab I may not have access to my computer or my phone. I think this would be a huge mistake because my connection with all of you is one the best tools that I have for staying sober (even if we talk about negronis a lot). AA and all the other A's have backfired for me. It may work for some but I have issues with many of the steps and I suspect that half the people show up drunk for meetings and the other half are so despondent after that they fall back on their drug of choice.

But that's another issue altogether. Right now I'm going to focus on the physical/medical aspects. I've been down this road and it hurts. A lot. And it's necessary. (That's why I really want to keep access to you and my IRL friends.) Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm persistent. I will get through this. If you don't hear from me, don't fear the worst. I've been through "the worst" many times now and I can do it again.

Two side remarks: first, if anyone wants to pick up Politics Corner or Sportsball for a little while - even if it's just placeholder posts - please respond to me or Cali. I don't want this to fall on Cali's shoulders because she does too much around here already.

Second, don't ever be afraid to reach out for help. And always beware warnings. Whether it's your body telling you that something is wrong or it's doctor's advice. Pay attention. Also, Vivitrol can be very dangerous because it's very easy to overdose on.

Political discussion welcome.

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