Monday, December 19, 2022

Politics Corner December 19th


Via Visit Milwaukee 

And we're back for the third and final season of the House subcommittee on January 6tth. Adam Schiff came very close to outright saying that Donald Trump is a criminal yesterday. He did say criminal charges will be forwarded to the Justice Department which is already working on their own case. At todays hearing, expect to hear those charges laid out. I don't expect any more witnesses or new documentation but I wouldn't rule them out either. I do expect a fairly concise review of what to expect in the presumably giant final report. That report could be released as soon as today and will certainly be released before this Congress adjourns and this subcommittee is replaced by the Hunter Biden's laptop subcommittee.

The hearing can be watched in all the usual places - probably even Fox News if you're a glutton for punishment. C-Span, the subcommittee's YouTube channel and the subcommittee's website are all reliable if you're watching from your desk.

Via eBay

Political discussion welcome

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