Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Occasional cooks: Christmas food

Here is your weekly thread to talk anything and everything food. 

Share what you're cooking this week, ask for tips or recipes for a dish, tell us about your meals out.

Oops, it's been a mad week, and I am writing this rather late! So I might be a bit brief.

What's in your menu for Christmas?

I'm making a trifle, and my custard is always a fail, so I'm hoping this video will help me get it right this time. But I've got some store-bought to use, just in case.

I'm going to make the jelly from scratch, with cherries, so I'm hoping that will balance out any custard issues.

We have a big, combined family Christmas for once. My brother and his wife are coming out from Germany, and we're doing the big meal at my other brother's, with his wife's family as well. 

It will be, no kidding, probably only the fourth or fifth time in my life that I've had a Christmas with more than just my immediate family. Frankly, I'm not actually looking forward to it. I want to spend the day with people who won't judge me for having to have a nap after eating two serves of dessert, then getting a second wind and eating a third.

It does, at least, spread the cooking around a bit more.

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