Thursday, November 3, 2022

Some Like It Hot, The Grey Lady Likes It Red and Other Thursday Headlines


via Giphy

Aside from the crossword and the reviews, what is there anymore? (Wonkette)

Someday, somebody's going to find out that these guys all have bad anal hygiene or something (Wonkette)

via Digital Spy

In hindsight, Baywatch was really when Zac Efron went too far with his body. (Page Six)

Let's hear about Tom & Gisele's prenup! (Page Six)

via Giphy

It's still early in Superman III, so let's learn about computerphobia! (Superheroes Every Day)

Ryan Reynolds likes to buy things. (People)

via Giphy

So many Van Goghs! (Mlive)

'24? '28? '32? (Vanity Fair)

Includes a lyric that's the inspiration for today's post; Courtesy YouTube

Broadcasting makes strange bedfellows. (Awful Announcing)

Oh, no, a spoiler! (Yahoo Sports)

PET SET: MoonShine Wildlife Rehab
Courtesy The Dodo/YouTube

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