Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Occasional cooks: chickpea pancakes

Here is your weekly thread to talk anything and everything food. 

Share what you're cooking this week, ask for tips or recipes for a dish, tell us about your meals out.

Via Good Food

Have I succeeded in scheduling this properly, post-time change? And if I did, will I remember next week and do it again? Only time will tell!

These savoury pancakes sound really good. I wonder if the chickpeas make this savoury by default, or if they could be made sweet as well, with some adjustment to the seasonings.

Which salads are actually good for you? The results are... exactly what you would expect (it's not Caesar).

Via Best Recipes

I don't really have great confidence in this idea, and frankly, the image is not selling me, but, a Bischoff lava cake? I know there are some people here who will be interested.

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